Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Go, Fish!

Photos have recently surfaced of a fish using tools- the first time this behavior has ever been documented photographically. A blackspot tuskfish in Australia's Great Barrier Reef has been captured breaking clamshells against a rock in order to get at the juicy meat inside. It can be argued that the fish isn't actually using a "tool" since it is bringing the clamshells to the rock, and not picking up a rock with which to crush the clamshells - but for an animal with no hands I think it's doing pretty well. The point is, a non-tool-using species would simply try to open the clam with its mouth and give up if it didn't have the strength. Bashing the clam against a rock is an example of meta-level thinking - something we used to think that only humans did.

Read more here: This is the first ever photo of a fish using tools via

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