"To have emerged from nothing, to have a name, consciousness of self, deep inner feelings, an excruciating inner yearning for life and self expression...and with all this...yet to die."
Being alive and self-aware, to be aware that at some point in the future you will cease to be, this is a tremendous burden. We don't talk about how difficult it is - we just go about with our lives, ignoring this enormous elephant in the room. Yes Virginia, one day even you will also die.
The presence of our mortality provokes anxiety in us, and that anxiety pushes us to isolate ourselves within our sociocultural groups, to become xenophobic, to maim and kill and war upon those we consider to be dangerous either physically or ideologically.
Yet the future is not entirely dark. For one thing, this documentary was made in the first place, so we are at least becoming aware of the problem! I see a great awakening of the understanding that WE are the ones who run our lives. We can choose compassion and empathy over fear and rejection. We are, indeed, in the midst of doing so on a grand collective scale.
Also watch "Flight from Death" commercial-free on Netflix streaming.